Hoover Manure Injectors
- Save Nitrogen Money
- Patented tillage adjustment
- Grassland to medium tillage invention.
- Floating Hydraulic Downforce
- Tank and dragline injectors
- Complete with swingers
Manure Injection options
Hoover makes tank injectors, dragline injectors or individual row units .

Tank Injectors
15 to 30 row spacing
The Hoover Ag manure injectors allow manure injection into small grain cover crop that will be chopped for forage.
Widths up to 24ft for behind manure tanks.
Complete with tank lifter quich attach.
It can be ordered with 15, 24 or 30 inch row spacing
Patented Adjustable opener angle for grassland to medium disturbance injection with the same machine.
The sides fold up to stay within tank width.

3PT tractor mount
Get manure hauled faster . Up to 30ft wide 3pt injectors
15″ to 30″ row spacing
Allow manure injection into small grain cover crop that will be chopped for forage.
Widths up to 30ft for behind manure tanks.
Folds and draws in row units for least width transport.
Complete with tractor mounted swinger.
It can be ordered with 15, 24 or 30 inch row spacing
Patented Adjustable opener angle for grassland to medium disturbance injection with the same machine.
Flow meters

Straight frame
Economical manure injection. Up to 20ft wide non-folding injector
15″ to 30″ row spacing
Allow manure injection into small grain cover crop that will be chopped for forage.
Widths up to 20ft for behind tractor.
Detachable swinger to allow use behind a tank.
Complete ready to use.
It can be ordered with 15, 24 or 30 inch row spacing
Patented Adjustable opener angle for grassland to medium disturbance injection with the same machine.
Eric Hoover 610 468 9666
Works in standing forage, from 5K to 10K gallons per acre.
If you are looking for 20K gallons per acre incorporated in a single pass, this is not the right kind of injector.
Eric Hoover made his family farm’s first manure dragline system. This experience led to him inventing adjustable angle manure injector.
The patented low-disturbance manure injection works with tanks and draglines.
Call a manure specialist today
(610) 468-9666
Text Eric Hoover (610) 468-9666 to schedule a free consultation.
A. Is my tractor big enough?
B. What is the best row spacing for my operation
15, 24 or 30 inch spacing. ( Tradeoff between weight and crop banding)
C. Are flow meters worth it? (More so if you go uphill and start slowing down)
Benefits of cover cropping
Manure Injection research
According to Eric Young, a soil scientist with the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, low-disturbance manure application can benefit both farmers’ bottom lines and the environment.
In field experiments, he discovered numerous advantages. He also cites other studies with comparable conclusions.
Even while utilizing typical tillage, a farmer can capture additional nitrogen in an annual crop system using a chisel plow or disk harrow. Applying manure on top of forages and after hay cuttings is more complex, but it’s still very typical.
Grassland manure injection
What needs to be routine is top-dressing liquid manure to alfalfa stands. Young explained that this had been a focus of his research for the past few years. Researchers are investigating whether low-disturbance manure treatments might be effective in an alfalfa-grass environment.
Manure application on forage crops has advantages. It has the potential to cut fertilizer costs while also increasing soil fertility. Not simply in terms of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Carbon can also be made.
“Manure and cover crops contain important carbon, which becomes soil carbon and aids in the maintenance of favorable structure in soil health,” he explained.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of injecting into the soil
What needs to be routine is top-dressing liquid manure to alfalfa stands. Young explained that this had been a focus of his research for the past few years. Researchers are investigating whether low-disturbance manure treatments might be effective in an alfalfa-grass environment.
Manure application on forage crops has advantages. It has the potential to cut fertilizer costs while also increasing soil fertility. Not simply in terms of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Carbon can also be made. “Manure and cover crops contain important carbon, which becomes soil carbon and aids in the maintenance of favorable structure in soil health,” he explained.